Sunday, August 14, 2011

Praise to the Man, hymn no. 27

WoooHoo! So this song turned out better than I thought! Our children did so great on this one! Mmkay, so what I ended up doing was writing down all the words on a flip chart then drew some pictures for some of the bigger words and left a blank next to that big word. (If that makes sense. ) Then placed all the pics under the chairs and the kids got to chime in when they thought their picture went with that word. I was really fun! The kids amazed me with their knowledge. Like little Corine knew what communed was! I was so impressed!
First thing I did though was get out hymn books for them all to look at. I asked if they had ever seen this book before and where we used it? I had them look up page 27 and then played the song for them. Some new the song but just not the words. So I told them we were gonna learn the words to this special song and to place their hymnals under the chair then to look and find the pictures that were going to help us. (You could probably plant the books under their chairs with the pictures inside them on page 27 to help it go faster if you want.)

We talked about how...
  • Jehova is another name for Jesus
  • Commune= to talk or have a conversation with someone
  • Seer= to see into the future( covered up the R as a hint)
  • Extol (Praise enthusiastically) and Revere (Feel deep respect or admiration for (something).)= give them respect and hold he prophet close to our heart(closing our hands to a fist and holding it by our chest where our heart is)
  • Dispensation=a period of time, like the latter-days is a name for the time we live in NOW. and we are BLESSED to live now because we have a prophet
  • Hail...I put and hand up for that one cause we are so excited to have a prophet And we shook our hands in the air. (told them about how when you are deaf and can't hear they applaud by waving their hands in the air)
  • Ascended=to go UP
  • Where did the prophet go? TO HEAVEN.
  • Traitors and Tyrants are nothing but Trouble
  • In vein= to try and try for nothing. (and when we sang it we acted like we were going down stairs cause that's what the melody does)
  • Mingling=what our parents do out in the foyer after church...that's mingling. Talking and enjoying the company of someone.
  • Conquer=to defeat or win.

Praise to the man who _______COMMUNED with Jehova
Jesus annointed that ________PROPHET and ______SEER.
Blessed to enter the last _______DISPENSATION
______KINGS shall extol him and Nations revere

______HAIL to the _______PROPHET
_______ASCENDED to _________HEAVEN
____RAITORS and ____YRANTS
Now fight him in vein.
Mingling with gods he has planned for his brethren
______DEATH cannot conquer the _____HERO again.